Adjustment is the external manifestations of the psychological health, including the physical adjustment, emotional adjustment, living adjustment, learning adjustment, social adjustment and so on. 团体心理辅导近年来广泛地运用于学校心理健康教育及灾难事件发生后的心理援助,其中情绪调适团体辅导是重要内容之一。
Between "Rational Structure" and "Moral Conduct"& A Logic Analysis of Modern Social Adjustment 理性制度与德行之间&现代社会调适的逻辑分析
Objective: The research investigated the characters of college students'autonomy and its relation to social adjustment. 目的:探讨大学生自主性的发展特点及其与社会适应的关系。
Induction Programme for Students Recently Arriving in Hong Kong from China& Social Adjustment and Survival Skills 帮助内地来港学生学习适应课程&社会适应及求生技能
Multi-level integrated skills practice teaching system improves the social adjustment of students to broaden employment and career path; 多层次综合技能实践教学系统提高了学生社会适应能力,拓宽了就业、择业路子;
To improve the mental health and social adjustment of students is a major goal of the new PE curriculum. 提高学生的心理健康和社会适应能力是新体育课程的重要目标。
From the view of social, part-time students of individual social behavior is the process, is the choice of passive and active social adjustment process. 从社会化的角度来看,大学生兼职行为是个体社会化的过程,是被动选择和主动适应社会的过程。
In recent years, an increasing number of attentions have been paid to social adjustment of adults with learning disabilities in the western academic world. 近几年,学术界对成人学习不良社会适应性的研究不断增多。
Experimental Study on Physical Games Promoting Social Adjustment of Migrant Laborers 'Children in Primary School 对体育游戏促进打工子弟学校小学生社会适应的实验研究
A Research on the Relationship Between Social Adjustment of College Students and Five-factor Personality 大学生社会适应与五因素人格间关系的研究形成一个人的人格的各种因素
And the shining evaluations of social adjustment and personality in the gifted were performed by the same admiring teachers who had singled out the study subjects. 对于天赋儿童的良好的社会适应性和人格的闪亮的评价是由那些挑选出研究对象的同样的老师欣赏者。
The relationship between parental negative parenting and parental conflict, adolescent social adjustment 父母消极抚养方式与父母冲突和青少年社会适应的关系
The research find the developments trend of social adjustment ability for our country's children and teenagers is better. 研究发现,我国儿童青少年的社会适应能力发展趋势是良好的。
Coping behavior and attribution style are important qualifications to bringing up social adjustment ability for college students. 应对方式和归因风格是大学生社会适应性和社会技能发展的重要指标。
Social adjustment ability is subject's responses to the change of environment, it is a dynamic procedure of the balance of reconstruction. 社会适应是主体对环境变化所作出的一种反应,是一个重建平衡的动态过程。
The regression analysis revealed that parenting style and parent-adolescent communication had direct or indirect regressive effect on adolescents 'social adjustment. 回归分析表明,父母教养方式、亲子沟通对青少年的社会适应有直接或间接的影响。
In the contemporary Chinese social development, law and rule of virtue adjust social life, social relation and social standards in the system of social adjustment. Both are standards of social behavior of people, one of them can't be lacked. 在当代中国社会发展中,法律与道德都是社会调整体系中调整社会生活、社会关系的社会规范,都是人们的社会行为准则,二者缺一不可。
Under the existing system-structure, the social adjustment is the alleviation to its existing economy-society problems and its contradiction, which should be controlled and maintained in the essential scope that must be of great advantage for the social development and the productive forces development; 在现有的制度体制下,社会调整是缓解现存经济社会问题及其矛盾,并将其控制和保持在最有利于社会发展和生产力发展所必需的范围内的基本途径;
Social adjustment of religious morality is required for the systematic adaptation of religious morality to the changes and development of modern civilization. 宗教道德的社会调适是对宗教道德适应于现代社会文明发展的需要和要求而进行的整体把握和具体规整。
Based on the review of definition of social adjustment ability of children with mental retardation, this article analyzes the important status of objectives of social adjustment in education for mental retardation and schools for mental retardation. 本文在回顾智力落后儿童社会适应能力定义的基础上,分析了社会适应目标在智力落后教育与培智学校中的重要地位;
Using case study, this article explores community-based intervention's assisting process and effects on social communication skills of adults with mental retardation, and provides foundation to improve social adjustment of adults with mental retardation. 这篇文章采用个案研究的方式,探讨了社区干预对成年智障者社会交往技能的辅导过程和效果,为提高成年智障者的社会适应力提供了依据。
Peer relations were an important factor of the adjustment of social emotion, it was important for the development and social adjustment of children and adolescents. 同伴关系是儿童社会情绪适应的重要背景,在儿童青少年的发展和社会适应中起着重要作用。
Our research found that there was extensive relation between parenting style, parent-adolescent communication and adolescents 'social adjustment. 研究发现在父母教养方式、亲子沟通与青少年社会适应之间存在广泛相关。
However, no linear relationship between parent-adolescents conflict and adolescents social adjustment was found in this study. 但亲子冲突与青少年社交焦虑之间的关系并没有一致的趋势。
Form of participation in and the friends, colleagues and family-based exercise, have some differences; lower consumption of table tennis, badminton, tennis consumption higher; motivation to exercise personal interests and needs of the main needs, psychological and social adjustment Supplemented by exchanges. 参与形式以与朋友、同事、家人一起锻炼为主,有一定差异;乒乓球运动消费较低,羽毛球、网球运动消费较高;参与动机以个人兴趣需要和锻炼身体需要为主,调节心理和社会交往为辅。
With global industrial restructure and social adjustment, the new problems of urban poverty had appeared in developed counties. 随着全球产业重构和社会转型,在发达国家出现了较为严重的新城市贫困问题。
Research tool includes four parts: demographic data, professional attitude scale, self-esteem scale, social adjustment scale. 研究工具共分为4个部分,分别为一般人口学资料、职业态度量表、自我价值感量表、社会适应性量表。
Morality is the relationship between social adjustment of people according to a certain code of conduct, which has features of special normative, a wide range of permeability, stability and practicality. 道德是社会调整人们关系的一定行为准则,具有特殊规范性、广泛的渗透性、稳定性和实践性的基本特征。
The school adjustment of college student, not only affect their current physical and mental development, but also affect their social adjustment in future. 大学生的学校适应,不仅影响其当前的身心发展,而且对其以后的社会适应也有着重要影响。
The social function of modern education is neither the social defense of agricultural society, nor the social adjustment of industrial society, but the new function which is suitable to adapt the modern society. 当代的教育的社会职能不再是农业社会的社会防范职能,也不再是工业社会的社会调适职能,而是要适应现代社会的社会更新职能。